We are an interdenominational ministry whose purpose is to provide support and connections for women who have been or are incarcerated in Lehigh County of Pennsylvania to help them establish new life patterns and successfully re-enter society.
The body of Christ working together to provide loving support and training in godliness that those who enter our care might be transformed from destructive life patterns and firmly established in godly living.

Savior-Connect: Spiritual training toward total surrender to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who is our primary support in life.
• Bible Studies | • Spiritual Advising
Church-Connect: Connecting women to churches who are loving communities that will provide support, discipleship in godly living, and accountability.
• Church training | • Healing Communities model | • Mentor guidance | • Adoption program – church adoption of those inside LCP
Life-Connect: Supporting successful re-entry by providing access to necessary resources.
• Re-entry preparedness training | • Education/Job Assistance | • Life Skills training
• Transitional Housing